

433 Uppsatser om Transition to adulthood - Sida 1 av 29

Definitionsproblem i sexualbrottslagen : -bristen i definieringen av begreppet vuxen

AbstractThe ideas of adulthood, adolescence and childhood in Swedish law have a tendency to not be expressed or discussed. This thesis has focused on the preparatory work of the sexual offence-law to see whether it defines adulthood. This has been achieved by analyzing the documents related to this preparatory work. The thesis focused on two central questions: 1) Was the idea of adulthood an integral part of the discussions in the preparatory work 2) If so, then how was it defined and are there any contradictions in the definition. In addition, this work also evaluated the impact of this law and investigated whether the absolute protection intended by the government and the committee of sexual crime seek actually exists.The study shows that the concept of adulthood was not defined specifically in the preparatory work.

Copingstrategier under uppväxten och senare i vuxenlivet för individer som har funktionsnedsättningen ADHD

The purpose of this study was to examine the differences and similarities between coping strategies used by individuals with the disability ADHD in childhood and later adulthood. The questions we asked ourselves: Are the individuals using the same form of coping in adulthood as in childhood? What copingstrategies used individuals while growing up? What coping-strategies used the individuals in adulthood? To fulfill the purpose and answer the questions, we used qualitative methods. Interviews were conducted with four adults who have the disa-bility ADHD. The interviews were analyzed by the hermeneutic circle.

?har man ingenting att göra blir man ju helt sänkt liksom? : vad vill unga vuxna med psykiskt funktionshinder ha stöd med?

Syftet med studien har varit att ta reda på de idéer som unga vuxna (18-24 år) med psykiskt funktionshinder har kring hur en sysselsättningsverksamhet skulle vara uppbyggd och om det är möjligt att någon form av organiserad verksamhet kan hjälpa dem i övergången till vuxenlivet. Metoden som användes var en kvalitativ intervjustudie. Urvalet var fem personer, tre män och två kvinnor, som har kontakt med Stockholms läns landstings öppenpsykiatriska mottagning eller Täby kommuns socialpsykiatriska enhet. Teoretiska utgångspunkter har varit symbolisk interaktionism. I studien kan utläsas att det är viktigt för gruppen unga vuxna med psykiskt funktionshinder att få möjlighet till ett socialt liv utanför hemmet.

Transition till demokrati: strukturella faktorers påverkan i de begränsade flerpartisystemen Kenya och Tanzania

This paper deals with institutional and structural factors' influence on democratic transition in limited multiparty regimes in Sub-Saharan Africa. Comparing the cases Kenya and Tanzania, of which the former has made a transition to democracy and the latter has not, this paper reaches the conclusion that political traditions, the coalescing of the opposition, and the elites ability to learn from the electoral process is essential for a transition to democracy. In the specific cases, the harshness of the Moi regime and the Tanzanian vision of national unity may possibly carry some explanatory power, alongside the pressure from international actors.These results have been reached through the application of a comparative case study, where democratic transition constitutes the dependent variable. It should be noted that a harsh definition of the term transition has been applied, according to which the incumbents actual loss of an election is a necessary indicator for transition. However, the Freedom House and Polity scores have been brought up as complement of this definition.

Transition hos närstående som vårdar en familjemedlem drabbad av stroke

Människor som drabbas av stroke får ofta allvarliga komplikationer. Sjukdomen medför en förändrad framtid även för den närstående som tar på sig en vårdande roll. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva upplevelsen av transition hos närstående som vårdar en familjemedlem drabbad av stroke. Analysen resulterade i sex kategorier: söka kunskap och insikt: svårigheter att anta nya roller: leva i en förändrad relation: erövra en ny normalitet i livet: hitta tillbaka till sig själv och omvärdera prioriteringar i livet. Resultatet beskriver att transition är en komplex process som integrerar många delar av människans livsvärld.

Vuxenblivande och upplevd stress hos tredje årets gymnasieelever

Den industrialiserade världen har de senaste årtiondena genomgått förändringar vilket har bidragit till att en ny tidsperiod uppkommit. Tidsperioden benämns enligt forskaren Arnett (2007) som Emerging Adulthood och har den svenska översättningen vuxenblivande. Perioden sträcker sig mellan åren 18-25. Stress är en känsla av press som för stunden inte är hanterbar och stressnivån har under de senaste åren ökat markant hos gymnasieelever. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om vuxenblivande samt stress skiljer hos elever som läser ett yrkesförberedande respektive ett högskoleförberedande program.

Tillämpning av 6 b § LAS vid sammanslagningar av företagshälsovårder : Anställningsavtalets skillnader vid pensionsbestämmelser

During year 2007 ClaraHälsan Ltd bought the company health service Solstahälsan in Karlstad. The wide merger of the two health services the problems arose around the employees? employment agreements when certain parts of the agreement differ. At a transition of a company, in this case a health service, the rights and obligations for the employees will pass on to the new employer according to directive 2001/23/EG who came in force in the swedish legal system in year 1995. The former employer is only responsible vis-à-vis the employees ?for economic obligations related to the time before the transition, the code of protection of employment 6 b §.

Välkommen till verkligheten! : En litteraturstudie om nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors upplevelser av transition från student till yrkesverksam sjuksköterska

Med hjälp av denna uppsats avser författarna att visa hur en internationalisering och etableringsprocess kan se ut för ett svenskt företag i Brasilien. Författarna har även undersökt rådgivarnas syn på internationalisering samt etableringsprocess och hur den bör gå till. Med rådgivare menar författarna den Svensk-brasilianska handelskammaren, Exportrådet och SouthPartner konsultföretag..

ADHD och autistiska barns övergång från förskola till förskoleklass : ur föräldraperspektiv

The purpose of this essay is to investigate how parents of children with ADHD or autism experience the transition between preschool and preschool classes. To get answers to my questions, I interviewed five parents representing three different schools in one municipality. I have chosen to use a qualitative research interview inspired by phenomenology. The results of this study show that parents perceptions differ, in terms of how well the transition work for children, and how support and treatment are at a transition. For children with a documented diagnosis, schools have an action plan for those in the gray area there are no procedures.

Att "smälta" in i vuxenlivet : övergången från ungdom till vuxen

For today's young adults, the experience of being in the age period 18-30 years is, compared with previous generations, quite different. There is more room for exploring and experimenting when lifestyles and life-choices are no longer predetermined, and most things are possible for today's young people. The object of this thesis is to examine young people2019s experiences in the transition from youth to adulthood and to illuminate those experiences and difficulties that take place during this period. In the study, qualitative interviews were used in four focus groups, divided up in two age categories. The results reveal that the feeling of being an adult arises in the latter part of the period, and that variations between individuals are readily apparent.

Äldre personers upplevelser från att bo i eget hem till att flytta in på ett äldreboende.

Background:The concept of transition means a change in a person's life where he or she is forced to adapt. There are different phases in life that results in different adaptations. In this essay, transition is described as the physical and mental journey between the home and an elder care facility. The Aim was to describe elderly people's experiences of transition when moving from their previous home into an elder care facility. The Method used was a literature review.

Lyftanordning för kraftuttag

This thesis has been developed inassociation with Strängbetong AB, Sweden.A few years backCementa AB introduced a new type of cement on the Swedish market: Byggcement,which is a Portland Limestone Cement. This type of cement is better for theenvironment and cheaper than Rapid Hardening Cement which is used today at SträngbetongAB.Strängbetong AB isvery interested in a change of cement in the factory and wants to know what ittakes to make a transition from Rapid Hardening Cement to Byggcement.This final projectaims at investigating how the workability and strength development are affectedby a transition from the existing cement to Byggcement and how we can change theproperties of the concrete by adding different types of superplasticizers. Laboratory and factoryexperiments were made, to investigate the transition..

Optimering av betong med Byggcement (CEM II) till håldäcksproduktion

This thesis has been developed inassociation with Strängbetong AB, Sweden.A few years backCementa AB introduced a new type of cement on the Swedish market: Byggcement,which is a Portland Limestone Cement. This type of cement is better for theenvironment and cheaper than Rapid Hardening Cement which is used today at SträngbetongAB.Strängbetong AB isvery interested in a change of cement in the factory and wants to know what ittakes to make a transition from Rapid Hardening Cement to Byggcement.This final projectaims at investigating how the workability and strength development are affectedby a transition from the existing cement to Byggcement and how we can change theproperties of the concrete by adding different types of superplasticizers. Laboratory and factoryexperiments were made, to investigate the transition..

Demokratisk Transition : Fallen Slovenien och Lettland

Slovenia and Latvia are two examples of countries which have gone through a successful democratic transition. They were both under authoritarian rule and command economy up until their declarations of independence in the early 90s. Today they have a functional market economy and political pluralism. I have examined transition theories highlighted by Jonas Linde and Joakim Ekman and from these theories sought the explanations to what lies behind the successful transitions of these two countries. The transition in Slovenia was affected by liberalization from within the ruling communist party which then controlled much of the transition process. A relatively large civil society and the fact that Slovenia was not involved in the Balkan War also contributed to the short process.

Hellre överkvalificerad än undersysselsatt - om övergångsfrekvensen till högre utbildning i Sverige under 80 år

This essay aims to explain the fluctuations in the Swedish transition rate to higher education between 1923 and 2002. With theories of human capital, and screening, as points of departure, seven variables are selected and their correlation with the transition rate investigated by use of graphs and tables. The variables are unemployment, youth unemployment, the supply of academics, cohort size, number of high school graduates from programs preparing for ensuing studies, relative wage trends for worker categories with differing levels of education, and structural phase. Results show that no single variable nor the theories of human capital or screening can explain the fluctuations in transition rate in full. Instead I propose a theoretic model which amalgamates the above and places risk aversion as the driving force behind the individual?s educational decision.

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